The Silent Killer: Detecting and Diagnosing Berry Aneurysm

The Silent Killer: Detecting and Diagnosing Berry Aneurysm

Berry aneurysm, also known as cerebral aneurysm or intracranial aneurysm, is a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by a weak, bulging spot on the wall of a blood vessel in the brain. Often dubbed as the “silent killer,” berry aneurysms can go undetected until they rupture, leading to severe complications and even death. Detecting and diagnosing these aneurysms early on is crucial for effective treatment and prevention of devastating consequences.

Today on Doctors on Air, Join Dr. Pamela and Guest: Dr. Hammed Ninalowo Interventional Radiologist and Vascular Surgeon @irdocnigeria as they discuss “The Silent Killer: Detecting and Diagnosing Berry Aneurysms” on the program this morning.

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