Malnutrition results from eating a diet with nutrients which are either not enough for the body and causes health problems. It involves calories, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins or minerals. These insufficient nutrients are called undernutrition or undernourishment while too much is called overnutrition.
The body requires many different vitamins and minerals that are crucial for both body development and preventing disease. These vitamins and minerals are often referred to as micronutrients. They aren’t produced naturally in the body, so you have to get them from your diet.
A nutritional deficiency occurs when the body doesn’t absorb or get from food the necessary amount of a nutrient. Deficiencies can lead to a variety of health problems. These can include digestion problems, skin disorders, stunted or defective bone growth, and even dementia.
Join Dr. Pamela and Guests: Dr. Olufemi Ladeinde, Nutritional consultant rencare integrated LTD as they discuss about – Malnutrition and Nutritional Deficiencies