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Know Your Numbers

Knowing your numbers encourages people to learn their numbers related to cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, weight and body mass…

The kidney a Woman’s perspective

Women tend to face more specific challenges linked to kidney disease. The risk of developing Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is at…

Joint Pain On Air Discussion

Joint pain refers to discomfort, aches, and soreness in any of the body’s joints. Joint pain is a common complaint.…

Tobacco and Health On Air Discussion

Tobacco smoking is the primary cause for lung cancer, responsible for over two thirds of lung cancer deaths globally. Second-hand…

Double Misery of Rape

Listen to the “The Double Mistery of Rape” with our host Dr. Pamela and Guests: Dr. Kemi Dasilva-Ibru, Consultant Obstetrics…

Thyroid On Air Discussion

Thyroid disorders are conditions that affect the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck. The thyroid…

Cosmetic Surgery On Air Discussion

Reconstructive surgery is a type of plastic surgery. It is performed to reshape abnormal structures of the body to improve function…

Asthma On Air Discussion

Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult…

Oral Health

Dental and oral health is an essential part of your overall health and well-being. Poor oral hygiene can lead to…

Hand Hygiene Tips On Air

Hand hygiene is a way of cleaning one’s hands that substantially reduces potential pathogens (harmful microorganisms) on the hands. Hand…