What is thrombo embolisom?
Thromboembolism is a medical term used to describe a blood clot (thrombus) that forms in a blood vessel, breaks loose, and is carried by the bloodstream to block another blood vessel. When an unattached mass of any sort (called an embolus) causes an obstruction, the blockage is referred to as an embolism.
Thromboembolism is a dangerous condition that can affect multiple organs, causing organ damage and even death. Although the terms thromboembolism and thrombosis are sometimes used interchangeably, the latter describes a blood clot that forms in a blood vessel rather than one that breaks off and blocks a blood vessel.
Do you want to know who is at risk and how it can be prevented?
Join Dr. Pamela, and Dr. Yemi Johnson they discuss “Thrombo embolism – a sudden cause of death” on Wednesday 20th October, 2021 on Classic FM 97.3. Time: 8:00am – 8:30am.
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